Game of Dice Wikia
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Last updated: 2020-04-15

There are currently 152 unique skill cards to date, not accounting for rarity.

At the moment, this page is currently being remade due to different skill cards being increased into 4 seasons. To see the current version see this page.

There are event skill cards listed below. If an asterisk (*) is present, this means this is the same skill card from a previous season with improved abilities.

You can currently get 3★, 4★, 5★, 6★, 6★PLUS, BLACK and Infinity skills. 2★ skill cards were avaliable before but were removed.

Season 1 Skill Cards

Name Description Rarity
Strange Pipette For 3/2/1 turn(s), apply the multiplier of a selected city to your city you've landed on as an extra multiplier. 6★, 5★, 4★
Flight Your next roll becomes Double and you will move dice value x 2 blocks. 5★
Back Tumbling When 14 or less turns remain (5★), Immediately move to the nearest block behind excluding cities (6★). 6★, 5★
More and More Until a selected character lands on an opponent's property, increase extra toll by 200/150/100/30% on each turn. 6PLUS★, 6★, 5★, 4★
Lovely Couple You and your team get discounted toll by 100/75% on the next Dice roll. 6★, 5★
Cool It Ox For 2/1 turn(s), toll is free on every property with a Golden Ox buff. 6★, 5★
Big Fish When the number of empty properties is 8/7/3 or less, obtain 2 random properties. 6★, 5★, 4★
Resort Conquest Immediately obtain an empty vacation spot. 4★
Bring It Drone From MY JOY, obtain 90/60/30/15/10% of (the number of properties x Start Money). 6PLUS★, 6★, 5★, 4★, 3★
This is MY LAND When 21 or less turn(s) remain, the selected city becomes your city after 4 turn(s). 5★
Fetch When 16/14/10/7 or less turn(s) remain, Summon 1 character within (the number of dice roll) block(s) ahead. 6PLUS★, 6★, 5★, 4★
Mysterious Commission From 2 turn(s), when a selected character receives toll, steal 65/55/45/30% of the toll from the character. 6PLUS★, 6★, 5★, 4★
Rapid Growth Increase city level on the current block by 3/2/1. 5★, 4★, 3★
Old Lottery Ticket Receive 10% (3-5★)/100% (6★ and 6★PLUS) or 500/300/150/110/90% of start money 6PLUS★, 6★, 5★, 4★, 3★
Leave it to Fate For 5 turn(s), increase toll by 800/700/500/400/300% on one of your cities. 6PLUS★, 6★, 5★, 4★, 3★
I'm Taking It! When there are 15/5 or less empty properties, steal a city from a character you pass by on the next Dice roll. 5★, 4★
You shall not pass For 3 turn(s), when a selected character passes by you, steal 45/30/25/20% of Start Money from that character. 6★, 5★, 4★, 3★
Fast and Furious Increase toll on your properties you pass by 500/400/250/150% for 5 turn(s) on the next dice roll. (Team's property excluded) 6PLUS★, 6★, 5★, 4★
Pirates Never Miss Steal 40/30/15% of JOY from every character/opponent within 7/6/4 block(s) of you 6PLUS★, 6★, 5★, 4★

Season 2 Skill Cards

Name Description Rarity
Big Fish Take 2 random properties when there are less than 8/7/3 unowned properties 6★, 5★, 4★

Season 3 Skill Cards

Name Description Rarity
Big Fish Take 2 random properties when there are less than 8/7/3 unowned properties 6★, 5★, 4★

Season 4 Skill Cards

Name Description Rarity
Big Fish Take 2 random properties when there are less than 8/7/3 unowned properties 6★, 5★, 4★

Transcend Season 4 Skill Cards

Name Description Rarity
Big Fish Take 2 random properties when there are less than 8/7/3 unowned properties 6★, 5★, 4★

Special Skill Cards

Name Description Rarity
Big Fish Take 2 random properties when there are less than 8/7/3 unowned properties 6★, 5★, 4★